Contributor Guides
Adding Translation to Code

Adding Translation To Your Code - Developer's Guide

In this guide, we'll walk through the process of adding translations to your code. This enables multi-translation support on the platform, enhancing the experience for every users.

Obtain Your RapidAPI Key

Follow these steps:

  1. Open your browser and navigate to (opens in a new tab).
  2. Sign up using your GitHub account or email, whichever you prefer.
  3. Search for 'Google Translate' then click on the 'Pricing' tab.
  4. Choose a subscription plan and return to the 'Endpoints' tab.
  5. Focus on the last tab (on your right).
  6. Your key is located in the 'headers' object under 'X-RapidAPI-Key'.
  7. Go to your .env file in the /apps/dashboard directory and assign your key to this variable RAPID_API_KEY

Update Your English File

Once you have your API Key, follow these steps to add a translation:

  1. Open the English file named en located in apps\dashboard\src\lib\utils\translations\en.json.
  2. Create an object with a name corresponding to the translation you wish to add. Example: "tabs": { "profile": "Profile", "landing_page": "Landing Page" }.
  3. Now, navigate to the file where you want to insert the translation.
  4. Import the translation function:
import { t } from '$lib/utils/functions/translations';
  1. Locate the line where you want to add the translation and use the following syntax: $t('path to the value in the object'). Example: <p>{$t('tabs.profile')}</p> (This will output "Profile"). Note: $t('') returns a string.

Run the translate script

Once you've updated the English file, you need to update the other files. To do this, run a command. Firstly ensure you're still in the /apps/dashboard directory, then execute:

pnpm run script:translate

This command runs a script that updates the other translation files.